Fw: October is Domestic Violence Month

March 1st, 2012

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From: alan@g…
To: gunlawupdates@g…
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:40:54 -0400
Subject: October is Domestic Violence Month
Message-ID: <200310191940.h9JJes629780@t…>

Local news has been filled with domestic violence stories. But are we
encouraging victimization instead of helping victims be victorious? Would
Empowerment Month be a better option for October than domestic violence

Oct. 20, 2003
Bloomfield Press
Felicity Bower 1-800-707-4020

Permission to circulate granted


Simple Awareness or Actual Prevention?
Simple Awareness or Actual Prevention?

“The concept of domestic violence month is nice and frilly, but isn’t it
time already for real substance?” asks Alan Korwin, author of numerous
books on violence prevention and self protection. “We know from the
Clinton Justice Dept. and recent scholarly studies that guns help prevent
millions of attacks and crimes annually. Let’s apply these lessons in
creative ways,” he suggests.

“When a woman or man is identified by the courts as a domestic-violence
victim, the state should immediately waive the fees for obtaining a
firearm-carry permit, and provide handgun training, a solution we know
deters assaults,” he says. “I would go further, and provide incentives to
take a crime-prevention course, if the legislature would support it. Next
year, let’s create and celebrate National Empowerment Month instead of
mere victim awareness, and teach self reliance in community outreach
programs and schools.”

Many murdered spouses are killed soon after they obtain a court order of
protection. If a victim shoots a court-recognized abuser within the zone
where the abuser is not supposed to be, there should be an automatic
legal presumption of self defense, Korwin says. Pass that little law, he
adds, and watch the chilling effect, which he describes as a common-sense
move. Mr. Korwin has been speaking to state legislators about introducing
bills in the upcoming session that would empower victims, and help
neutralize violent aggressors. If such laws actually get passed, it will
help save lives and fight crime. The anti-civil-rights approach of making
you more defenseless is bad public policy, he says.

Arizona will reintroduce its Gun-Free-Zone Liability Act this year for
the third time, and six other states are looking at this legislation as
well, Korwin says. The bill allows anyone to create gun-free zones
verbally or with signs if they wish, but holds them liable to anyone
harmed by the zone. “Gun-free zones are dangerous, negligent and
reckless,” as detailed on the gunlaws.com website Korwin runs. “The idea
that a sign makes you safer is fraudulent. It needs to be exposed.
Criminals ignore the signs, creating dangerous disarmed-victim areas.
This enables atrocities such as the massacre at Luby’s Cafeteria in
Killeen, Texas.”


P.S. Bloomfield Press is the largest publisher of gun law books in the
country, founded in 1988. The unabridged “Gun Laws of America” and the
brand new “Supreme Court Gun Cases” for news media review is free on
request, call 1-800-707-4020. The authors are available for interview,
call us to schedule. Download hi-rez mini-cover art from our website,
click Media Services. Call for cogent positions on gun issues, informed
analysis on proposed laws, talk radio that lights up the switchboard,
fact sheets and position papers. As we always say, “It doesn’t make
sense to own a gun and not know the rules.”

Alan Korwin
“We publish the gun laws.”
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