University Proffessor in Iowa starting a class RE: Gun control and the 2A

March 1st, 2012

University Proffessor in Iowa starting a class RE: Gun control and the 2A

From: mjg00
To: info@
Subject: Gun control?
Date: Oct 28, 2003 12:58 AM

Hello, my name is (name deleted) a Professor at (Name deleted) University in Iowa. I am
constructing a class around the topic of gun control and the 2nd amendment and
I have become interested in your group. I was wounding if you could answer
some questions about your group?
1) How large is the group?
2) Are any well known individuals members of your group?
3) Dose WAGC agree with the NRA completely? If so on what other grounds
and if not why?
4) Why have you stared or joined this group (personally)?
5) Could I recommend your web site and group to my students?

Thank you some much

Professor Name deleted
Name deleted University