Jennifer Bono WINS her case!!!!!!1
—–Original Message—–
From: Ray Carney
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 9:25 PM
To: Jennifer Bono; ASRA
CcSubject: [asralist] Jennifer wins her case . . .
On behalf of Jennifer Bono, thanks for your support. Your letters to her
school were rational and civil. School authorities agree that Jennifer
will have her graduation yearbook include an informal photo of her with
her trophies and gear, to include her competition rifle, an AR15 HBAR.
Letters came from as far away as the Philippines, and Australia, from
practically every state in the union, from Canada and Mexico, and from
people from all walks of life. Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs;
Grandmothers, Juniors, National Champions, Judges, Professors, College
Coaches, and of course, our Military. It was most impressive. Now,
please do the same cross-posting of this E-Mail as you did with my
original. It is important that everyone involved knows the final result.
In case you think the term Superkid was an exaggeration, I just got word
from another NYS Junior, Jaime Cervini; she has been accepted at West
Point. We have another lad going there too. Another
lad enters Wharton Business School at Penn State, and yet another a NYC
University. So much for children and firearms, Mr. Hutchinson.
Finally, with such a captive audience, I have a question and, I have an
answer for you.
Question: Where do you want your money to go?
Answer: Not to anti-firearm groups.
Therefore, I urge all of you to contact ‘Marathon USA’, a long distance
carrier at or at 1-888-857-5070. They will do just
fine rate-wise,
and 15 percent of your monthly long distance telephone bill will go to
pro-firearms group of your choice.
It’s called putting your money where your mouth is.
CPT Ray Carney, US Army (Retired)
[email protected]
Director, High Power Rifle, NYSRPA
“Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”