Rules to live by: Hunting safety tips
WAGC advocates safety whenever handling firearms.
______________________________________________________Rules to live by: Hunting safety tips
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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1. Wear at least some blaze orange clothing.
2. Never climb in or out of a tree stand, or over an obstruction such as a fence, with a loaded gun.
3. Assume that any gun you are handling is loaded.
4. Always keep the muzzle of any gun — loaded or unloaded — pointed in a safe direction.
5. Always be absolutely sure of your target and know what lies beyond your target.
6. Always rely on a safety harness in a tree stand.
7. If hunting in camouflage, wear something blaze orange when moving.
8. Always carry your firearm with the safety in the “on” position.
9. Have a plan when with companions and know where they will be hunting.
10. Do not use your rifle or shotgun scope as binoculars — you could end up pointing your gun at another hunter.