Gun goes on shooting Spree
Police are still investigating a Junk Gun found at an urban home near a school zone. An irresponsible home owner is being questioned in connection with his firearm which was carelessly left on a low shelf in his home, too close to a closed box of ammunition.
Late Wednesday night the gun loaded itself and went on a shooting spree through the house, firing at innocent children mostly, along with the family pet mouse. When police approached, the gun, it was hissing menacingly, rattling it’s hammer.
The home owner was arrested after his gun was taken into custody, and it was discovered that he has a previous record, with a case still pending over an assault rifle which was not, in accordance with state law, kept dissassembled and in seperate places in the house. The assault weapon, a 3030 with a flash suppressor, pled temporary insanity by means of depression when it began shooting through the closet door last year, wounding the family Chihuahua.
As the pistol sits in the police evidence locker, trying desperately to break the trigger lock which restrains it, Mayor Ono Notagin made a speech asking why homeowners still continue to disobey the law in the face of such needless tragedy. Even now, he states, countless guns are sitting with ammunition boxed in the same cabinets, or worse yet CHAMBERED, READY FOR ATTACK. He is pushing legislation to make gun owners responsible for their gun’s actions. Please see www.killergunsonramapage/ for updates.