Stop MO Gun Ban -

March 1st, 2012

I M M E D I A T E A C T I O N ! ! ! ! !

Your letter is written.

Email addresses are provided.

Fill their mailboxes TODAY.

Thanks to a post on the GOA email list it has
come to my attention the the State of Missouri is attempting “assault
weapon” legislation strikingly similar to what California now has on
the books. You may read exact text of this unconstitutional bill at the
following address:

Please invest 3 minutes posting the following letter to the following
email addresses, and have every pro-gun companion you know on the
net do the same. have yet another gestapo state crop up in my country. Focussed
action in California such as we can now do for Missouri could have
prevented their “assault weapons” crap our Californian family now
lives under. Please act NOW by sending the letter below, edited to
your liking by you if you like, to the addresses below — and please
pass this message on through your channels. 10,000 letters should be
a good day for us. Thank you.

Here are the email addresses of every Missouri State Senator:
(Obtained from where
you can also get their names and phone numbers if you like to gripe in

[email protected]
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Below this line is the letter, which you can of course edit at will to
suit your fancy:

To: Missouri State Senators
Re: General Assembly of the State of Missouri BILL NO. 532

Dear State Senator,

In reference to the Missouri General Assembly Bill #532, I urge you
caution in giving it any further thought, and instead encourage you
strongly to kill this bill at once.

Please carefully consider the following:

1) Crime reduction HAS NOT taken place in California where similar
legislation has been introduced into law. What HAS taken place is a
reduced ability on the part of law abiding citizens to defend
themselves against criminals who don’t obey ANY legislation anyway.

2) This bill proposes the removal of many weapons from the access of
law abiding citizens now used as means of self-defense. (Many of
these weapons are also used as hunting weapons, as well, you might
note.) In essence, you’re suggesting that it makes sense to take guns
away from the GOOD GUYS, making it easier for the BAD GUYS to
succeed in their business of CRIME.

3) Though biased-media “gun control polls” portend (pretend is more
like it) that more unconstitutional gun control is wanted by the
general public, unbiased media polls suggest quite the opposite: LAW
OUR COMMUNITIES. Please read that statement again and ask
yourself a simple question: What kind of person would vote to make
it harder for Law Abiding People to defend themselves, and what
could be their true motivation for passing such legislation?

4) Legislation such as you recommend historically has lead to
GENOCIDE. If you think this far fetched, please do visit the
following website and WAKE UP! Your anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-
Constitutional proposal in the form of Bill 532 suggests you’re
committed to communism, socialism, or monarchy, because that is
where this type of irresponsible legislation leads.

5) If you succeed in passing this unconstitutional legislation, you’ll
only have to repeal it later, and it will all be a big mess that comes
back to haunt you.

In closing, I remind you that the people who care about Freedom in
America have had it up to our eyeballs with such legislation as
Missouri General Assembly Bill 532. Stop it at once and
immediately. Our growing organization thanks to the power of the
internet comes with a word to the wise: we’re watching how you vote,
we’re watching what you do on the behalf of the people, and every
day our ability to work as a team increases.

Kill Bill 532.