Very Good Pro gun letter in Richmond Times ( VA)

March 1st, 2012

3. Great pro-gun letter in RTD!

Mark Visconte sent me a copy of his letter to the editor of the
Richmond Times Dispatch a couple of weeks ago. I am really glad they
published it, as it is superb:

Letters to the Editor
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Thursday, December 4, 2003

Gun Rights Protect Other Freedoms
Editor, Times-Dispatch: A headline on a letter asked, “Will Later Generations
Submit to Gun Control?”

The words put me in mind of “submitting” to other things that are
illogical, evil, or wrong. Would future generations submit to
slavery? Would they submit to Nazism? Would they submit to rape?
Would they submit to having their right to free speech killed? Would
they submit to loss of their other freedoms?

One of the reasons the Second Amendment was acknowledged was to make
it less likely that we would need to submit to evil. Are we a nation
of gun nuts? No, we are a nation of free peoples, who have a Bill of
Rights that, embarrassing or not, includes the right to keep and bear

This doesn’t mean that the writer of the letter must keep and bear,
only that he has a right to. He is more than welcome to submit his
own rights, but he doesn’t have the right to remove the rights of
others. The letter blithely throws out
attractive sounding thought-bites, but without facts to back them up.
Gun control not only doesn’t work, but it actually puts people in
jeopardy. Citizens armed with firearms are much more likely to deter
violent acts attempted against them – to the count of 2.6 million
times per year.

If future generations are truly enlightened they will recognize what
freedoms we have, and why we have them, and they will fight, if
necessary, tooth, nail, and bullet, to keep them. Marc Visconte.