Accidental Deaths From Guns at (all time) Low

March 1st, 2012


Accidental Deaths From Guns at (all time) Low

Constitution News
Source: Fort Worth(less) Startlegram (Sports Section p9D)
Author: Bob Hood
Posted on 01/06/2000 10:29:32 PST by harpu

Accidental deaths by firearms during 1998 reached an all-time low of 900,
the fewest since record-keeping began in 1903, according to a recently
released report from the National Safety Council.

The decline represents a drop of 18% from the previous year and decline of
40% for a 10-year period

Many officials have touted state hunter sefety programs, such as the one
conducted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, for the decrease.
There are more than 75,000 hunter safety instructors in the United States,
according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Also cited for helping
reduce firearms accidents were programs by the Boy Scouts and 4-H.

Firearms (900) rank BELOW other accidental deaths, such as motor vehicles
(41,200), falls (16,600), drownings (3,700), fires (unreported), chokings
(3,200) and poisonings (9,400), according to Safety Council reports.