Again, *How* did gun control help here?

March 1st, 2012

This is taken from todays Seattle times. Please note, this murderer, who did the well televised Shipyard Shooting in November, was a convicted criminal. Sure, if guns were banned, he couldn’t have committed robbery to get one, I suppose………but then again, if someone in that shipyard had been armed….Pistol is linked to suspect

With last weekend’s discovery of the backpack, it took only a day for police to arrest Cruz. The pistol’s serial number revealed it had been stolen in Renton, and Cruz was a suspect in that case, police said.

Tests identified the Glock 9-mm semiautomatic as the gun used in the shipyard shootings, prosecutors said.

Police believe Cruz had planned the attack for some time, noting he had grown a beard, mustache and long hair before the shootings. They said he cut his hair and shaved immediately afterward.