March 1st, 2012

America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
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December 23, 2003


Last week we asked JPFO supporters to share “heart-changing,
mind-changing” experiences after showing “Innocents Betrayed”
to friends or family members.

The mail came pouring in. We heard from a woman whose husband
finally understood her devotion to the Second Amendment. We
heard from a Second-Amendment supporter who realized the issues
were bigger than he ever knew. A Canadian wrote to tell us he
could see his own country’s future in “Innocents Betrayed.”
People told us about their mothers, daughters, and friends
suddenly waking up.

All people had to do is — show the film.

We’re including a selection of those real-life testimonies
below (including a delightful poem by a 14-year-old viewer of
“Innocents Betrayed”). Read and think about how easy your job
can be when you stop arguing in favor of firearms and freedom
and simply — show the film.

When you’re ready to order a copy for yourself, or extra copies
for friends, libraries, civic groups, family members, or your
local gun club, just click

The testimonials prove it: There has never been a faster, more
powerful tool for persuading people of the value of an armed
citizenry. “Innocents Betrayed” is in a class by itself.

Now — read on!


I have been very active in the Pro Second Amendment movement
for several years. My husband has not been really supportive
of my activities, only tolerant, at best.

When I got a copy of “Innocents Betrayed,” and showed it to
him, he was very quiet at the end of the video. A bit later,
he came to me, and said, “Honey, now I know what you are
fighting for — I never thought about it in this light
before. That video really impacted me.”

I was surprised, because he is usually a person who is
reluctant to change his mind about anything — and this video
did change his way of thinking. If it can happen to my husband,
it can happen to many more.

I certainly hope this film is viewed far and wide by Americans
of every stripe! It is so well done, and pulls no punches — it
simply lays the facts out for all to see.

Thank you, Mr Zelman and JPFO.

Mari Thompson
Second Amendment Sisters


My copy of “Innocents Betrayed” arrived and I have watched it.
I had an epiphany that has surprised me.

I’ve always thought of gun ownership in terms of the 2nd
Amendment, or in terms of the US Constitution. My focus was
too narrow.

Self defense is the most basic human right.

Anyone who would diminish this right is against people living
free and full lives, no matter what other blandishments they
offer. It’s just that simple.

Next step: Get my wife on the same page as I am about this.
She’s nearly there.

Jeff Cauhape


I have watched J.P.F.O.`s production,”Innocents Betrayed” 6
times now, what with showing many others. The information it
contains is historically accurate. The means of citizen
disarmament in this important film is identical to what is
happening in Canada right now. Self-defence and firearms
ownership is currently CRIMINALIZED, while politicians and
police remain above the law. Get a copy of “INNOCENTS BETRAYED”,
watch it MORE THAN ONCE, show everyone, and GET INVOLVED in
fighting gun control.

Phil Hewkin
Prince George, B.C., Canada
Board member, Law-Abiding Unregistered Firearms Association
1-780-406-8442 or toll free 1-877-944-5832


I have always understood the importance for every citizens to
keep arms. Seeing the horrific effects of citizen disarmament
in “Innocents Betrayed” has strengthened my resolve all the
more. I used the film to educate my pro gun-control mother and
she is now firmly on the side of the second amendment,
admitting she never understood before. I urge everyone to share
Innocents Betrayed with their friends and family, this film
truly changes hearts and minds.

Michael Webber
Ventura California


I had an epiphany, if gun control is so good then why doesn’t
the government disarm? Well, the answer to that question can
be seen by watching the movie “Innocents Betrayed.” Millions
and millions of people are murdered at the hands of their own
government. We can not allow that to happen here. If the
government feels that it must protect itself by being armed,
then so must the people.

Thanks for opening my eyes.

Anthony Allbritain


The following poem was written by Brandi Whitney, age 14,
after her father, JPFO member Devon Whitney, showed “Innocents
Betrayed” to his family and friends. The poem is (c) 2003 by
Brandi Whitney and may be reproduced only if it includes this
entire paragraph before the poem.


People ask me what my view is
And what I think is senseless
So I found a way to put it straight-
I’m anti-self-defenseless!
I’m against each wrong infringement
Upon my human right
I despise each new restriction
Upon our only chance to fight
They take away protection
Calling it a “danger”
Leaving us just vulnerable
To some armed and random stranger
Self-defense is a birth-right
Life can never be denied
But still they treat us like we’re children
Not old enough to decide
So if you ask me what my view is
Or what I think is senseless
I’ll stand up proud and tell you
I’m anti-self-defense-less!!!

By Brandi Whitney

JPFO Gun Owners’ Business and Service Directory
Do you want to help educate more people on how to destroy “gun
Do you have a product or service you’d like to offer to your
fellow gun owners?
Then list it in the JPFO Gun Owners’ Business and Service
Directory. This is a great way for business people to reach gun
owners, and a great way for gun owners to make sure they’re
buying from Second Amendment-friendly companies.
This is a great way to get people to come to the JPFO web site
and get educated about the dangers of “gun control”.
Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2003 JPFO, Inc.
Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long
as the following JPFO contact information is included:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
PO Box 270143
Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

Phone: 1-262-673-9745
Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
Fax: 1-262-673-9746