AP Picks up Bias Story and HCI Responds.
Responds with no point, no meaning, just mindless dribble, I might add.Media biased on gun control, group charges
Thursday, January 6, 2000
WASHINGTON — A conservative media group yesterday accused television networks of biased coverage of the gun control debate.
The television networks are so badly spinning the gun control debate in favor of gun control they have become the “communications division of the anti-gun lobby,” said Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center, which released a study of gun-related stories on ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC.
“This blitz of bias is having an extraordinary impact on public policy and legal opinion,” said Oliver North, the former Iran-Contra figure, radio talk show host and national board member of the National Rifle Association.
Naomi Paiss of Handgun Control called North’s complaints “lovable chutzpah.”
“Add to that the right-wing domination of talk radio, the towing by congressional Republicans of the NRA’s line, the slavish devotion of the Republican presidential front-runner to the NRA message and this is a comedy press conference,” Paiss said.