Semi Automatic weapons of the “assault weapon” ban….

March 1st, 2012

- Semi-auto “Assault Weapons” – no Different from Many Hunting Guns and Assault Weapons Bills Often Affect Traditional Hunting Guns!

- Semi-auto Ban Could Affect 50 Percent of Gun Owners! Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) claimed the original law would only ban 19 types of firearms; other government officials dispute this claim. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has admitted the law bans at least 45 guns.

- Assault Weapons Not the Choice of Criminals! The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in 1993 that violent criminals only carry or use a “military-type gun” in about one percent of the crimes nationwide. According to the FBI, people have a much greater chance of being killed by a knife or a blunt object than by any kind of rifle, including an “assault rifle.” In Chicago, the chance is 67 times greater.

- Police Say Large Capacity Guns Better for Self-Defense!

- Military-Type Firearms Are Protected by 2nd Amendment!