Thot we had a home invasion tues am…..
hubby and I were awaken @ 300 am Tuesday to what we thot was a home invasion. Our Jack Russell Terrior Alarm went off , my husband got up and looked out the window but didn’t see anything or anyone, so he came back to bed . A few seconds later the doorbell started going crazy — ding ding ding ding ding….. we looked at the clock , it was 300 am….. the first thing that went thru our head was oh SH%^& , home invasion (there has been quit a few in the metro area , lately)
Hubby grabbed the shotgun and went to the door. thru a closed door, he shouted “who’s there?, A voice from the other side replied: I need you to call the police, someone stole my son’s car and ran it into a house down the street from you (three doors down on the opposite side of the street) . Hubby came back into the bedroom and called the police – told the police that there was a man outside our door , we didn’t know who he was and were afraid to open the door. (not a total lie
went back with shotgun in hand and open the door…. turns out the guy was legit. Someone had stolen his son’s car (they live over in the Northlake lake area) and it (the car)
was in the house up the street. He had chased him (in his pj’s) for over an hour and our neighbor hood is where he ended up.
point of the story is that even after telling the cops it was a possible home invasion ,it took the cops over 2o minutes to get there and they passed the house once…….had that been a true home invasion , what woulda happened next woulda depended on whether the homeowner had a SD weapon or not…. and they want to take mine away or have me keep it locked up? I DON’T think so! In twenty minutes someone could be dead! or worse!