“Million Mom” Goes Undercover (Well, sort of…)
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“Million Mom” Goes Undercover (Well, sort of…)
There was something about the ad that appeared on Gloria
Culver’s website, CSP Gun Talk (http://www.jouster.com),
that just didn’t seem quite right.
WTS: AR & AKs & Accesories
Posted By: Linda <email redacted>
Date: Tueday, 13 April 2004, at 9:27PM
My husband has passed away and following Assult weapons and
accessories are for sale. I have been advised these are
fair market values for pre-ban weapons and just wish to see
them in the hand of his fellow enthusiasts:
1. AK-47 Polytech Legend $700.00
2. Russian SVD with Scope, $800.00
3. Colt AR-15 with 16″ barrel and collapsing stock, $ 900.00
4.Polytech M14 1itg 4 Magazines, $800.00
5.10 each Colt 30 round magazines, $120.00
Please call 805-(phone # redacted) as I do not have much
access to e-mail,
Thank you,
CSP Gun Talk regulars weren’t fooled.
“Linda” was quickly outed as Linda S. Vaughn, the Southeast
Region’s Senior Associate Director for the Brady Campaign to
Prevent Gun Violence United with the Million Mom March. The
fact that the phone number she listed was her Brady/MMM
office number didn’t leave much doubt as to her identity.
Gloria Culver said, “It didn’t take much to figure what this
was, it was nothing but bait to get some guy to fall for
‘maybe’ an illegal weapons transfer. She underestimated
experienced gun owners! BIG TIME!” Ms. Culver also made it
a point to call Ms. Vaughn herself, and told her that she
would be reporting her to the BATFE for posting a misleading
ad. (As of this writing, no charges have been filed.)
This probably won’t be the last time this year that
anti-rights advocates try to play detective. Long on
arrogance and short on knowledge, these crusaders will be
plowing ahead with plans designed to prove to the
“unsuspecting” populace that 2nd Amendment supporters are
vile heathens whose blind love of firearms is responsible
for all the world’s ills.
Incidents like this, though, only serve to prove that
sometimes it pays to look beyond the end of one’s nose.