Fabricius Is Going Down!

March 1st, 2012

Fabricius Is Going Down!

The anti-gun-rights nonsense from ASU professor Fabricius is unraveling at last.

The editor at Injury Prevention has finally caved in and published online my response to the Fabricius fabrications about guns. Read it here:

“The Fabricius Method Is Not Science”


I documented how bogus that man’s writing was, and observed:

“Injury Prevention injured itself by publishing such unprofessional work. A retraction is warranted, with support for this methodology and its spurious conclusions disavowed. Fabricius should make clear whether ASU endorses his work, as he implies, or extricate that fine university from this humiliating Bellesiles-like debacle.”

The magazine has also published online a scathing letter from Dr. Bob Solomon, which should shake up the brass at British Medical Journals, the parent company. A sample:

“I must say that I am nothing short of astonished that a journal produced by the elite BMJ Publishing Group would have accepted this manuscript for publication.”
–Robert C. Solomon, MD, FACEP, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

I had written to more than a dozen people at BMJ, and that might have finally forced the editor to behave himself and publish the letters. I imagine he despised having to do it. I’d love to know what actually happened!

Any of you with good bona fides should consider piling on, now that the path has been cleared, and send a carefully crafted letter through the Injury Prevention website, http://ip.bmjjournals.com (click “review a paper”), or directly to the editor, Barry Pless, [email protected] Anti-gun-rights junk science like this must be vigorously refuted by the intellectual community. The background is posted here –


The support I received from so many of you made my task easier, and the notes you wrote to these hateful anti-rights utopians probably helped as well. Congratulations.

Fabricius will of course have a chance to respond. Let’s see if he dares. His position is indefensible, but that might not stop him. He and his editor have already erected silly smokescreens in their dealings with me; if they post some it will make interesting reading for sure.

Now to see if we can get ASU to address the harmful, unprofessional bigotry from one of its paid instructors.

Thanks again for your effort and support!


P.S. Injury Prevention is a member of COPE, Committee On Publication Ethics. Hmmmm. COPE’s home page says,

“Every single case of fraud and misconduct reduces public confidence, abuses the use of public and charitable funds, and causes insult and frustration to the vast majority of careful, honest workers.” –The Joint Consensus Conference on Misconduct in Biomedical Research, Edinburgh 1999.

There’s even a button for submitting a case. Hmmmm.

Alan Korwin
“We publish the gun laws.”
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