A Challenge for those who believe in gun control!!!

March 1st, 2012

To anyone who reads this I have a challenge, and you can feel free to e mail me, I would love to hear from you! Please send me any links, articles, books, or any other material which gives any form of credible evidence to the following:

1 That simple TALK has ever been known to be an affective means of stopping a rape, robbery, home invasion, terrorist attack or any other violent crime.

2 That a decent number of you people are willing to put big signs on your cars, doors and lawns which say “We support gun control! This is a gun free home!” Particularly in inner city ereas where crime is rampant and you know you’d be walking targets afterward.

3. That women have been proven affective in enough instances of crime in fighting off their attackers with their fists that we evikl gun owners should even consider this as an option.

4. That states with gun license laws have blood running in their streets and regular shootouts, old west style, over parking spaces, traffic altercations or free kittens at Wal Mart. (There have been some instances, but I’m referring to the plague level situations that the Brady group and others say justify disarming citizens.)

5. That an ordinary man or woman, regular Joe with wife and kids, no history of mental problems, ever went on a killing spree just because he had a gun.

We who own firearms can provide YOU with reams of documentation which proves that guns are used to stop rapes, murders, robbery, etc. To date I’ve never seen anything saying a criminal was talked down, a vicious gang banger intent on serious harm. I’ve seen much evidence that talk causes more trouble than it stops.

We also have mountains of proof that bans do not work, period. Drugs are illegal, yet they are one of the biggest businesses out there. Rape and murder have always been illegal, and banks have signs that ban guns, as do schools, yet bank robbery is a legendary crime.

Where’s the proof that your “there are other ways” ideology works? AS the Clinton Gun Ban prepares to die, with any luck at all, some of us would like some proof, not just recycled hodgepodge from Goodbye Guns and their friends.