Assault weapon: A meaningless term invented by the anti-gun movement …………..

March 1st, 2012

Assault weapon: A meaningless term invented by the anti-gun movement to demonize any firearm which they consider ugly. There is no accepted definition of this term. A number of municipalities (including Denver) and states (including California) have attempted to define the term, but have been unsuccessful in doing so, without also outlawing a number of perfectly legitimate hunting rifles which are functionally identical in all regards. Some have attempted to do so by banning specific firearms, and this was done with the Denver ordinance. The Denver ordinance was not based on any scientific or engineering criteria, but simply by picking ?ugly? guns out of a catalog. As a result, certain firearms are illegal in Denver, but identical models of different calibers are perfectly legal. There is no rhyme or reason to their bannings, and it even includes at least one single-shot bolt-action rifle! Rifles commonly used across the State of Colorado for varmint hunting, medium-game hunting, and high-power competition are banned in Denver. The California ?Assault-Weapons? Bill was an example of banning by specifying specific firearms as being ?assault weapons,? but the law was recently invalidated by the courts, as the statute was determined to be unconstitutionally vague. Again, in this instance, there was no functional difference between the banned firearms and conventional hunting rifles.