HaveWe Lost the War on terror?

March 1st, 2012

This question was asked on the news two days ago. Well lest’s see…

Terrorists by definition are people who accomplish their purpose through terrorizing people, essentially bombing, shooting, and spreading fear among the innocent, children and people who are in no way associated with their cause. Anyone is a good target.

First we have a perception problem among Americans. Most Americans have enough rationality to realize that guns are tools, not creatures. They realize that no ammount of laws, bans, trigger locks or safes will prevent death, but education can. They realize that most of the men and women who carry guns for protection do so undetected by society because they do not pose any form of threat.

They also realize that criminals do not obey laws, and no ammount of gun control will stop criminals from posessing firepower, bombs or other weapons. Most Americans know that signs which say “no firearms allowed” are as worthless as the materials they are written on.

Unfortunately there are those who cannot see the difference between a criminal and a gun owner, who feel that every weapons poses a threat, even a squirt gun. These people feel that although they trust men and women whom they have often never met to teach their children and guide them through school, run businesses and operate vehicles, these same people cannot be trusted with a gun. They succeed in putting signs up in schools and churches which criminalize citizens who mean no harm to anyone.

These people have succeeded in making it illegal to carry weapons on airplanes except by people who are so rediculously dressed (air marshalls must wear suits and ties) that they stand out as targets and would be the first victims of hijackings.

These people are ready to sacrifice any number of lives if it means ignoring the fact that Washington DC, Great Brittain, Canada, Illinois and many other places are swamped with crime because they have banned guns there. They continue to insist that simple talk, smooth easy handling and peace tactics will stop any crime, and that laws should be more and more lax, giving more and more leeway to hardened criminals. Of course they can produce no proof to back up their claims, but as long as they can keep the fairy tale alive, that is alright with them.

Because of this, our schools are attacked by armed criminals (Columbine), our planes taken by terrorists and our people killed in masses (9-11) and every day there are tens of thousands of robberies, rapes, murders, car jackings and other crimes perpetrated by like minded individuals, as lying, decietful men such as John Kerry, Charles Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Rosie o’Donnell and countless others willingly sacrifice the lives of their fellow human beings in their selfish lust for power and control, using the uninformed and deceived as their pawns.

Could terrorists hijack airplanes today, perhaps this weekend? Could they attack a school Monday morning? Would they find armed individuals able to ward them off, or countless helpless victims hoping the police can get to them in time? Would they attempt it or would they be afraid of what might happen? What has history taught us?

Have we lost the war on terrorism