Letter: Gun owner says courses were required in safety
Letter: Gun owner says courses were required in safety
PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2004.09.23
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
BYLINE: D. Foster
SOURCE: Windsor Star
Gun owner says courses were required in safety
Re: Different Viewpoint On Owning A Weapon. Ms. Chordash, I would love
to live in your world but you have such a narrow viewpoint no one else
will fit.
I am married and own multiple guns. According to you, I am most likely a
violent person who will shoot my husband because I am not a police
officer and am too ignorant to understand the dangers of guns.
In your world I am most likely also a drug dealer because I own a
Rottweiler, and am most likely inherently more violent because I was
born in the U.S.A. At least my husband is a history buff because he is a
Smarten up, lady. Before I could even buy a gun, I had to take courses
on gun safety and responsibility. When I joined a gun club, I had to
take more courses on safe handling and storage of guns. Besides, the
Canadian government’s $3-billion dollar gun registry will solve all your
fears about me owning a gun, won’t it?
I had to be educated in the laws of gun ownership. Too bad you didn’t
before you picked up your pen and got on your high horse. I would love
to know your source for statistics. Did you know that more people are
killed in Canada by car accident or stabbing than by guns? Should we
outlaw cars and knives too? Statistics can help you and they can hurt
you — depending on the spin.
D. Foster