The Spanish Ruby pistol explained – Ebook

March 1st, 2012


Just released, a new downloadable Ebook on the Spanish Eibar pistols.

Its title : The Spanish Ruby explained

You will find the downloading page here:

Many other ebooks on various firearms are now available here :

Content of the ebook :

- Field stripping of the Spanish Ruby pistol

- Advanced dispounting of the Ruby pistol (1)

- Advanced dispounting of the Ruby pistol (2)

- The Ruby pistol mechanical features

- The Ruby pistol operation (1)
(includes the animated sequence of the firing cycle)

- The Ruby pistol operation (2)
(includes one animated sequence of the trigger work)

- The markings of the Ruby pistol

- The firm Gabilondos y Urresti – Llama

- The Ruby pistol in the French Armed Forces

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