You and your family are at 30,000 feet…

March 1st, 2012

You and your family are at 30,000 feet…

FYI (copy below, reference links in original):
30,000 Feet

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee

You’re sitting in seat 22A of a Boeing 737 traveling 530 mph
at 30,000 feet. The flight attendants complete their
beverage service and the in-flight movie begins. At that
moment,six terrorists leave their seats in unison….

God forbid this happens to you or your loved ones. But if
it does, would you want the flight crew to have firearms to
stop the terrorists or wait for an F-16 carrying six AIM-9
Sidewinder air-to-air missiles to be ordered to shoot that
commercial airliner out of the sky? Forget about an air
marshal being on board — latest reports show that only
around 5% of the 28,000 daily commercial flights in the U.S.
have an air marshal.

Since 9/11, politicians and government bureaucrats say they
are doing everything they can to keep terrorists off
airliners. But what happens today if terrorists get on
board a commercial flight? Chances are extremely high there
won’t be an air marshal on board. Hope the cockpit door
holds? At best the new cockpit door will provide only an
obstacle to terrorists because “Boeing has stated that
constructing an impenetrable cockpit door is not possible.”
(Airline Pilots Security Alliance)

You might know Congress has already passed legislation
authorizing armed pilots. Unfortunately for the flying
public, the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) has
deliberately dragged its feet on implementing the program.
On April 1, 2004, Congressman Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina)
stated, “Two years ago, Congress sent a clear message by a
vote of 310-113 to arm America’s pilots. Since that time,
less than 1% of the 40,000 pilots that signed up to
participate have been trained. That is absolutely

Congress already voted to arm commercial pilots to provide a
last line of defense against onboard terrorists. But the
Transportation Safety Administration would rather use an
F-16 armed with Sidewinder missiles to shoot down a hijacked

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee

Additional Information: Airline Pilots Security Alliance