Ohio Concealed Carry & The “Anti’s” Were Wrong Again…

March 1st, 2012

Ohio Concealed Carry & The “Anti’s” Were Wrong Again…

Open mouth, insert foot….. [grin].

Dispatch: Fewer permits, problems than were expected
Ohioans for Concealed Carry – Cleveland,OH,USA
… But Lori O’Neill, vice president of the Cleveland chapter of the Million Mom March, said her group didn’t make such predictions. …

In actuality, more than 26,000 persons obtained CHLs in the first 3 months, and an estimated 15,000 did so over the “slow” summer, bringing the total number of law-abiding citizens now exercising their right to bear arms for self-defense in Ohio to around 41,000. More on the numbers game to follow.

Ohioans are now seeing for themselves that the ridiculous predictions of the gun banners have not come to pass:

Cornwell said predictions of bullets flying through the streets were exaggerations. “All the things we heard about how it was going to be the gunfight at the O.K. Corral just didn?t come true,” he said.

But Lori O?Neill, vice president of the Cleveland chapter of the Million Mom March, said her group didn?t make such predictions. She finds it ironic that a higher percentage of the population has permits in rural counties than in urban areas, where crime is higher. “It lends the sense that this (law) is not a realistic crimefighting mechanism,” O?Neill said.

Toby Hoover, executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, said Ohio?s experience is in line with other states. “Not too much is unexpected,” she said.

Now that Ohio CHL is law, these gun ban extremists have been forced to engage in rhetorical revisionism.