National Rifle Association supports Bush

March 1st, 2012

National Rifle Association supports Bush


WASHINGTON — The National Rifle Association, a powerful U.S. lobbying
group supporting the right to own firearms, yesterday endorsed
Republican George W. Bush for president in the Nov. 2 election.

In the 2000 presidential election, NRA members “went to the polls and
stopped [Democratic candidate] Al Gore’s plans to continue the war on
America’s gun owners,” said NRA chief lobbyist Chris Cox.

“America has a clear choice — to side with a candidate who has a long
record of protecting our gun rights, or with a candidate who has cast
more than 50 votes against gun owners and sportsmen,” Cox said.

The conservative NRA applauded the administration for allowing a 10-year
ban on AK-47s, Uzis and other military-style weapons to expire in
mid-September. The law expired after the Republican-dominated Congress
refused to back an extension.