You Were Wrong
So many of the gun ban fanatics felt that banning guns in the U.K. and several other countries would stop accidental shootings, murder and other crimes.
You were wrong. Not only did the bans fail to accomplish their purpose they turned those ereas into crime zones where criminals do as they please, with the FULL SUPPORT of their governments who criminalize the victims and pay for the defense of the scum.
So many felt that New York would benefit from a no gun policy.
You Were wrong. New York has a monster crime rate, as does Illinois and Washington DC where gun banners still blame everybody for the misdeeds of criminals.
So many of you think that bank robberies, school shootings and workplace shooting would stop if guns were banned.
You were wrong, and after famous cases well documented, you don’t have the decency to admit it.
You claim that you live in fear because honest citizens cannot handle guns, should not have them, do not belong with them, and pose a danger to you.
You are wrong. There are no documented cases of an ordinary man with no mental problems, no criminal record, a family and kids he works to care for just going off and shooting people for no reason. You would be amazed to know how many concealed guns you walk around every day. Do you assume that just because there is no barrell sticking out of my shirt that I am unarmed, along with tens of thousands of others??
You believe that letting some lying, dirt shoveling charlatan like John Kerry vote against guns and ammunition get into the white house then turn the country over to the leadership of the United Nations would not do serious damage to every person in our country??
You are wrong. Letting this actor have office would wind the U.S. up being a massive land tract for terrorists, criminals and vermin, and once hell broke loose none of the Brady idiots or the the politicians would give a damn about you enough to damit they sold you out and screwed you over and repeal the throat slitting laws they would enact.
You believe that millions of gun owners who target shoot, hunt, carry protection weapons and behave responsibly are to blame for crime and horror that you fear?
You are wrong. We are the reason many criminals walk in fear.
You think we will let you pass laws demanding that we take our family heirlooms, collector guns, personal weapons and all other guns and give them up because some rich, armed security-bathed politician demands it, thereby leaving our wives and children at the mercy of thieves and murderers?
You are so wrong!
Do you think we will allow you to insult us to that degree, then not take whatever steps are neccesary to preserve our freedom, then roll over like cowards and take it.
As a historian I can tell you, anyone who says that concentration camps, civil war and other horrors cant happen here must have slept through history class in school.
140 years ago the government and many supporters took issue with half the nation over their rights. Granted, at the time it was largely the right to own another man, which was wrong. The nation split in two and tens of thousands of men, led by men who had once been school mates. The death toll was over half a million.
If you think trampling on other human beings, blaming them unjustly for your troubles, then trying to invade their lives and tell them what they are going to do is going to work, you could not be more wrong. The United Nations, Kerry, and those who want to control their fellow men unjustly will find out how wrong they are, when we must relive history. Unfortunately it will be tragicly too late.