Gun safety class canceled

March 1st, 2012

An article in the Columbus Indiana Republic Newspaper reported the following:

Teacher Steve Wheatley wanted to help kids learn about gun safety by assembling a type of firearm used in early American History.

But the Indiana Department of Education says a muzzleloading class at Franklin Community high School violates a state law. The state will not approve the course again for credit, spokesman Stu Huffman said.

Johnson County prosecutor Lance Hamner lambasted the department’s stance. School administrators and students are also baffled by the state’s decision.

“If the department of Education would spend more time being involved in improving education than agonizing over minutiae, our schools could keep doing a good job of educating our students–and law enforcement could go back to the job of protecting the public”, Hamner said.

Since 1995, Wheatley, a science teacher, has taught students how to build a muzzleloader–a gun used in the nation’s pioneer days before the civil war.

The seven day class is part of Franklin’s winter intensive program, designed to offer students subjects not included in the regular curriculum.

For five days, 32 students learned about gun safety, American history and the responsibility of owning a gun.

Students made the guns from kits that did not include the “nipple”, a mechanism needed to make the guns operable.

Wheatley said he offered the class to help students be more responsible firearms users.

Let’s give the IN. Department of Education our views on this cancellation!!!!

Superintendent of Public instruction
Sue Ellen Reed
Room 229, state House
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2798
FAX: 317-233-6326
VOICE: 317-232-0808
EMAIL: [email protected]

IN. Department of Education Spokesperson
Stu Huffman
VOICE: 317-232-6618
EMAIL: [email protected]