The difference between a criminal and a citizen

March 1st, 2012

One of the big issues with anti gun extremists is the idea that any gun in any hand is dangerous, that anyone who is armed poses a threat. The fine line between reality and hysteria is blurred into nonexistence.

Sadly, for that reason, the victims of the plane crashes in New York were unarmed and perished when their deaths were completely unneccesary. Sadly, the trend ahs gotten worse, and the extremist movement demands that every citizen be unarmed in a futile hope of making certain that no gun is available to harm anyone.

What they will not acknowledge is the difference between the criminals and the population.

A criminal is a predator, an often emotionless, meciless person barely above the level of a brute animal. He or she feeds on the helplessness of the victim, taking what they want and nourishing their mentality on the violence and suffering.

Criminals do not repect or obey laws, and they will either acquire weapons or use their fists. Serial killers, as a rule, feed on inflicting pain and generally do not use guns, since they end the victim’s pain too quickly.

Criminals have no interest in working and earning money and see no reason not to enjoy the thrill of stealing and robbing. They have nor morals, no boundaries.

Criminals love gun control and will tell you so, because it keeps them safe. With or without guns, criminals are dangerous. They are rapists, murderers, child molesters, burglars and terrorists.

Citizens are men and women who have children that they love and families, homes and dreams. They work for a living and have no desire to harm anyone. Citizens carry weapons concealed in a hope of never having to use them for anything but peace of mind. They work hard on regular jobs, earning all ranges of wages, and try to obey the law as best they can.

Private citizens are grandparents, parents, teachers, doctors, drivers and thousands of other kinds of people. They are not terrorists, thugs and criminals. They do not spend their time plotting harm to other human beings, watching television shows to make sure the police arent getting too close.

Sadly, there are millions of people who listen to propaganda, gie in to hysteria, and cant tell the difference. Sadly, this is doing enormous damage to this country and has done irrepairable damage to other countries.

Seeing the difference between a criminal and common person does not take much, just a little common sense.

Really. Can you picture your mother or father going to dinner, then watching a movie, and plotting to use a bomb or a gun to hurt someone just for fun and profit? Why not? Because, you say, they arent that kind of person. There is the key. Why is that so hard to understand?