Letter: Enforced gun registry wouldn’t save RCMP
Letter: Enforced gun registry wouldn’t save RCMP
Date: Mar 19, 2005 8:00 AM
PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2005.03.19
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
BYLINE: Ken Hedgewick
SOURCE: Windsor Star
Enforced gun registry wouldn’t save RCMP
I read R. King’s letter regarding linking the gun registry to the RCMP killings.
He’s right about one thing. There is no link. Where he and so many others miss the
boat is that no matter how hard the government and police forces push to ensure
everyone registered all their weapons, only law abiders will do so.
How naive it is to think that gun registration alone will stop such heinous crimes
as the murder of the four RCMP officers in Alberta. As R. King asks, how did a fully
automatic rifle end up in the hands of this individual? That’s a valid question.
And the answer isn’t because the Alberta police did not enforce registration.
Ken Hedgewick