Letter: Illegal guns can’t be controlled

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Illegal guns can’t be controlled
Date: Mar 23, 2005 9:55 AM
PUBLICATION: Times Colonist (Victoria)
DATE: 2005.03.23
SECTION: Comment
BYLINE: Mike Flatt
SOURCE: Times Colonist


Illegal guns can’t be controlled


Re: “Stop blaming guns for killing,” March 19.

The letter-writer states that the statistics of gun-related deaths would fall if
there were no guns on the street. How does he propose to remove these guns?

Obviously he would advocate the removal of all legally held firearms, which would
have no effect on the statistics. How would he propose to remove the firearms illegally
possessed by the criminal element of our society? It is these firearms that are
at the root of the problem and no amount of “gun control” measures will
eradicate them.

I suggest he research the incidence of armed crime in the United Kingdom and Australia,
which have increased by 35 per cent and 166 per cent respectively since the confiscation
of legally held firearms there in 1997.

Mike Flatt,