Knox report:[Fcalerts-list] Hard Corps Report Available Online

March 1st, 2012

Knox report:[Fcalerts-list] Hard Corps Report Available Online
Date: Apr 23, 2005 8:42 PM
The latest Hard Corps Report is up at
Look for the link at the top of the navigation bar on the left.


As noted in the last (and garbled on my part) alert, Arizona governor
Janet Napolitano is sitting on what the anti’s call the “guns in bars
bill” and what “Gun Owner’s Guide” author Alan Korwin calls the
“breakfast at Denny’s bill.” Arizona law prohibits CCW on the premises
of anyplace with a liquor license. S.B. 1363 reforms the law to permit
to allow carry as long as the CCW permittee does not drink. One wag on
the AZRKBA list referred to it as the “designated shooter” law.

The tourism industry doesn’t like the bill and, according to some
is running scare ads on radio urging listeners to call the governor and
ask her to veto the bill. Her number is (602) 542-4331 if you have a
message you might want to pass on.


It was good to see old friends and make some new ones at the NRA
Convention in Houston. My sister Shan and I spent much of our time
passing out copies of the Hard Corps Report along with promotional
information for the upcoming anthology of Neal Knox’s writing. Work on
that is continuing apace. Check back on the web site for a way to
reserve your copy. We’re shooting for a fall release.

Another item we were handing out is the Firearms Coalition CCW Courtesy
Card. The concept is pretty straightforward. Hand that card to
merchants who post “No Firearms” signs on their premises. It’s a fine
little conversation starter. We spoke with some a couple who walked
their bank in a little town west of Houston. They saw the sign posted
and, after confirming with the manager that the intent was indeed to
create a “No Legal Guns Zone”, withdrew some $87,000 and took it over
another nearby town where the bank was decorated with mounted deer
I’ve asked them to send me the complete story and hope to post it.

Send us your story. Have you had an interesting conversation with a
merchant? Send it to [email protected]


Brother Jeff reports in the latest Shotgun News Knox Report
(, that NRA made history in Houston. Or
rather, they re-made it in the Orwellian sense. According to the
official NRA version, Neal Knox had little or nothing to do with passage
of the McClure-Volkmer Firearms Owner Protection Act which reformed the
Gun Control Act of 1968. The opening ceremony included a very nice
review of the “Heroes of the Gun Rights Movement” of the past 25 years
that somehow failed to even mention the name Neal Knox.

According to the NRA story, Knox had nothing to do with taking NRA into
the political arena in 1978. Nor with cutting the budget of the Bureau
of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. Nor with outlining the worst of the
problems with the 1968 Gun Control Act and enlisting pro-gun Senator Jim
McClure of Idaho and Congressman Harold Volkmer to draft and carry
forward a reform bill. Nor, for that matter, with hiring Wayne

We’re sure it was simply an oversight.

After his death, it seems petty not to at least acknowledge the
accomplishments he made while with the organization. But as I’m
as I compile the book, it seems that Dad was at his best when he was
working on the outside.

For the Second Amendment,

Chris Knox
