TX: Nice Work In Defeating Anti-gun Janek Provision
TX: Nice Work In Defeating Anti-gun Janek Provision
Date: Jun 2, 2005 2:25 PM
Anti-gun Language Removed from Mental Health Bill!
– GOA thanks its members and activists for all their hard work
Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Your phone calls were well worth the effort.
We alerted you last week to legislation introduced by Sen. Kyle Janek
which would have called for a mental health screening system that –
even over the objections of the parents — could have potentially
covered every child in the state.
This posed a serious hazard for future gun owners, as this mental
health screening could have singled out “problem children”
who were,
of course, in need of “expert medication.” Federal law could then
extend to these “drug users” and disqualify them from owning
guns in
the future — despite the fact that they had never displayed any
signs of violence. (By now, most gun owners are aware that
bureaucrats often try to enforce federal gun laws and regulations in
the most expansive way possible.)
Well, the heat you guys generated caused Sen. Janek to do the
legislative version of the Texas two-step. He danced. He
sidestepped. He claimed the provision wasn’t his, after all, but
that it was language the governor wanted in the bill.
Regardless of who wanted it there, the language IS NOW GONE. The
legislature has adjourned, but not before the ENTIRE Janek provision
had been stripped from the bill.
So for that, GOA is very appreciative and wishes to thank all of its
members and activists in Texas, as well as the other groups (like
Eagle Forum) that were lobbying hard against this legislation.
We may need to fight this battle again… and sooner than you might
expect. If that happens, GOA will alert you to the threat against
gun rights. So keep watching your e-mail inboxes.
But until then, a big “thank you” for all your hard work!