Girl education through Scouts
Does anyone know of a patch program for educating girls (and boys) by offering a patch for completion of a class, online class, or some other program?
If not, someone needs to develop one. It would have to be through an agency other than the GSUSA, because they have put shooting sports on their ‘restricted activities’ list. However, if someone like the NRA or the NSSA were to come up with a program (one aimed specificly at girls, and one aimed at boys) that offered a patch for completion of certain requirements, then individual parents and scout leaders could encourage girls (and boys) to earn the patch.
This could be an online course, or a combination of online, and real world requirements. I would think an online course would be the easiest for the sponsors to verify that the individual had actually completed the requirements. The sponsoring organization could design the patch, and offer it to those completing the requriements for a small fee, say 2.50 or 3.00. Most scouters I know would not have a problem paying that for their scouts. It might even pay for the program for the sponsor.
As the father of 2 Girl Scouts, I personally wish that the GSUSA’s stance was different, but since its not, I still have a responsibility to teach my daughters about firearms safety & operation. Anyone wishing to contact me about helping to develop this patch, can contact me at the above address, or at [email protected]