If You Disagree With Us, You Don?t Belong in Canada, Say the Liberals

March 1st, 2012

If You Disagree With Us, You Don?t Belong in Canada, Say the Liberals
Posted by Eric @ 11:15 am in categories: Canadian News, Election 2006

As if we needed one, here?s another example of what kind of party the Liberal Camp is really running. Take a look at this little excerpt from an article talking about a recent debate:

[Liberal candidate] Don Lindsay?s self destruction continued when club member and Canadian Veteran George Tompkins stood to ask the candidates his question. ?If the handgun ban goes forward. What plan would your party offer to compensate those of us who legally own the guns that would be confiscated?? To which Lindsay replied ?Sir America is our neighbor not our nation, if you elect a society that talks about that kind of perspective I suggest that perhaps you go there!?

Absolutely disgusting. The sad thing is that most Canadians probably won?t even hear about this ? and for the ones who do, their votes probably won?t be affected. I wonder what it takes to outrage those Canadians who are still supporting the Liberal Party?

Update: To send an e-mail to Mr. Lindsay about his view that those who disagree with his party should leave Canada, please feel free to contact him at [email protected] (as I just have) or at the following:

210 Lochiel St.S.
Renfrew, Ontario
K7V 1W7

(613) 432-2922