EDITOR (Like they say, what goes around, comes around.)
EDITOR (Like they say, what goes around, comes around.)
Date: Feb 10, 2006 8:23 AM
PUBLICATION: The Calgary Sun
DATE: 2006.02.10
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
PAGE: 14
COLUMN: Letters to the Editor
IT IS quite funny to hear the Liberals complaining about the
Conservatives dismantling the gun registry by an “end run around
Parliament” through orders in council. It was the Liberals who built it
purposely so none of their restrictions, regulations and prohibitions
would see the light of day in Parliament. Strange they never talked
about it before. It is wonderful irony that the weapon they built is now
being used against them and they don’t like it one little bit.
Tom McAuley
EDITOR (Like they say, what goes around, comes around.)