WAY TO GO ALASKA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alaska editorial: State gets F+ for gun control
Date: Mar 30, 2006 6:45 AM
Web posted March 29, 2006
Alaska editorial: State gets F+ for gun control
This editorial appeared in The Voice of the Times:
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has issued its 2005 state-by-state report card on the success of its gun-grabbing agenda.
Alaska received an F+, dropping from a D-. Across the nation, 32 states received D’s or F’s on the report card. Thirty-two.
Why did Alaska fare so “poorly,” according to the anti-gunners? Thankfully, there were many reasons. Among them: Law-abiding folks can carry concealed weapons here; the state allows private sales without government interference; Alaska does not limit handgun sales to one a month; and, we do not allow police to arbitrarily limit concealed carry. And on and on and on.
The group also reports that from “2004 to 2005, only four states changed their ‘grade’ and three of those grade changes were demotions.” Florida dropped from a D to an F+ because it adopted a law allowing self-defense without retreat.
We have only one thing to say to Alaska lawmakers and those in the other states who have turned their backs on this group’s shrill and misguided anti-Second Amendment message: Keep up the good work.
Remember, with diligent effort, we could work our way down to an F, as have Montana and Wyoming.