Handgun Club of America Opens its ?Saloon Doors?

March 1st, 2012

Handgun Club of America Opens its ?Saloon Doors?

The New GUN WEEK, May 1, 2006
Page 11

Which handgun should you have on your nightstand during a
burglary. . . in your vehicle during a carjacking. . . or
in your thigh holster during a war?

Which states will allow you to carry a concealed handgun
legally without a permit? Which have a mandatory one-year
jail term if you stop for gas (even if your firearm is
locked and unloaded in the trunk)?

Who makes the best hollowpoint ammo for your snubby
revolver? The best custom leather holster for your
Springfield 1911? The best laser sight for your Glock?

For answers to questions like these, now handgun owners can
get a risk-free membership to the Handgun Club of America
(HCA), the only nationwide membership organization devoted
to helping handgun owners throughout the US enhance their
knowledge, their safety, and their skill.

Club members receive a bi-monthly newsletter called Pistols
& Revolvers; get discounts on the latest firearms and
equipment; have the opportunity to test new gear and then
keep it?free, and have access to exclusive content by going
to our website.

HCA was started by a 46-year-old Vermonter named Josh
Manheimer who, like many handgun owners, has his own story
to tell.

Years ago, some close friends of his were murdered not far
from his farmhouse. It made him realize that he, his wife,
and three children?living alone on a country road?were also
vulnerable to violent psychopaths. What was I going to do,
he thought. ?Hit them with my toaster oven??

After purchasing a Beretta (92FS Vertec with Crimson Trace
Laser Grips), Manheimer went searching for information
about how to use his new pistol and found that the national
gun organizations were mostly political in nature. And his
local gun club, which meets only once a month, wanted him to
bring Jell-O and chicken salad.

There was no national handgun society that he could turn to
for helpful advice about how to use his handgun safely,
skillfully, and legally. So he teamed up with experts in
firearms and membership organizations and started the
Handgun Club of America.

?We?re not trying to get rich off our dues,? said Manheimer.
?On the contrary; we?re on a mission?to get HCA membership
into the hands of as many handgun owners as we can.
Republicans and Democrats. Beginners and experts. Men and
women. Because the more we can ?normalize? the ownership of
handguns, the less likely they will be taken away or
restricted by stupid politicians writing ill-conceived gun

Dues are $18 annually, and come with a money-back guarantee.
For more in formation, or membership, contact HCA at:
Handgun Club of America LLC, P0 Box 1590, Dept. GWK,
Norwich, V?T 05055; phone: 802-649-1165; on-line: