We need to regulate cars as tightly as we regulate guns

March 1st, 2012

We need to regulate cars as tightly as we regulate guns
David Hardy
Of Arms and the Law
March 25, 2006

The Charlotte Observer has a story regarding Mohammed Taheri-Aza, the guy who drove a car into the crowd of students in order to protest beliefs that Moslems are violent. (Yeah, he sure did a job of proving his point….) He left a note: “I would instead use a handgun to murder the citizens and residents of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but the process of receiving a permit for a handgun in this city is highly restricted and out of my reach at present, most likely due to my foreign nationality.” (Hat tip to Dan Gifford). I suppose a good start for regulating cars as tightly as guns would be to require background checks for drivers’ licenses, bar licenses for felons, domestic violence misdemeanants, mental committments, etc., forbid auto ownership by anyone in those classes, require paperwork to be kept by the dealer, subject to federal inspection, make any violation a felony, etc. Oh, and ban any autos (other than police) capable of exceeding the speed limit, with states free to go beyond this and impose waiting periods, special licensing requirements, proof of need, etc. Then we can crack down on the “private sales” loophole…