Letter: Gun registry no help in domestic violence
Letter: Gun registry no help in domestic violence
Date: Aug 2, 2006 11:37 AM
PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2006.08.02
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
BYLINE: Anne Wilson
SOURCE: Windsor Star
Gun registry no help in domestic violence
I read in a recent article that Wendy Cukier promotes the long-gun
registry as reducing domestic violence to women. As a survivor of
domestic violence, I strongly disagree. We have wasted a billion
dollars, but spousal murder rates haven’t changed.
What we desperately needed was funding for real solutions. Last year on
an average day, 221 women and 112 children were turned away from women’s
shelters in Canada, mostly due to lack of room.
Money is also needed for harm reduction and programs like anger
management in our schools and communities. Instead, our money went to
the gun registry. For what? So women can be killed with a knife instead
of a gun?
Women at risk need real solutions. Scrap the registry and use the money
to really protect abused women in Canada. They need the help.
Anne Wilson
Meadow Creek, B.C.