It’s NOT about Hunting, MORON!
Letter: .. and a call to disarm
Date: Oct 4, 2006 9:21 AM
PUBLICATION: National Post
DATE: 2006.10.04
EDITION: National
SECTION: Letters
BYLINE: Ernest Little
SOURCE: National Post
… and a call to disarm
Instead of lamenting the growing death toll of innocent people by
gunfire, surely the time has come for the voters of North America –
starting with Quebec and Pennsylvania — to get down to basics and
demand the obvious: Outlaw guns. Only two groups in society
fundamentally require firearms: the police and the military. To them
might be added — under strictest control — those who live within the
orbit of the other kind of wild animals. If hunters have to give up the
sport of animal killing, this is a small price to pay.
To allow the murderous trend to keep accelerating to the detriment of
safe and civilized societies is an insult to basic intelligence and a
mockery of religious beliefs about the sanctity of human life.
Ernest Little, Hamilton, Ont.