: Letter: Cracking down on guns doesn’t work
: Letter: Cracking down on guns doesn’t workbre
Date: Oct 6, 2006 2:45 PM
National Post – 2006.10.06
Samara McPhedran, chairwoman, International Coalition for Women in
Shooting and Hunting, Victoria, Australia.
Cracking down on guns doesn’t work
Those calling for bans on certain firearms no doubt mean well. However,
the path of bans they urge Canada to follow in 2006 was taken by
Australia in 1996. A decade later, the results are in: no impact on the
pre-existing downward trend in firearm homicide, no impact on homicide
rates overall. Evidence demonstrates that the symbolism of bans and
“tough gun laws” has not saved a single life. Lobbyists for
ever-increasing restrictions upon legitimate firearms ownership, or
indeed outright prohibition, must reconsider what outcomes they honestly
wish to achieve. Canada can learn from Australia’s costly mistakes.
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