Letter: Easy target
Letter: Easy target
Date: Oct 7, 2006 10:08 AM
PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Citizen
DATE: 2006.10.07
PNAME: Letters
BYLINE: Michel Trahan
SOURCE: The Ottawa Citizen
Easy target
I have seen quite a few letters in Canadian daily newspapers lately that
refer to the “powerful gun lobby” in Canada. Would someone happen to
have the name and address of this organization? I would really like to
buy a membership card.
As far as I know, the pro-gun lobbying is all being done by average
hunters and target shooters, who are getting fed up to be portrayed as
potential killer and a danger to public safety by “experts” who have
never handled a gun and who have no clue about the current requirements
to obtain a firearm.
While the anti-gun lobby is trying to scare the general public about the
“danger” of having law-abiding citizen legally owning semi-automatic
firearms, drunk drivers are killing on average four Canadians a day, and
wounding another 190. So tell me, what are they trying to do? Make
Canada a safer place or make sensational news,
Michel Trahan, Verdun, Que.
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !