Letter: The madness of gun control
Letter: The madness of gun control
Date: Oct 17, 2006 9:18 AM
PUBLICATION: National Post
DATE: 2006.10.17
EDITION: All but Toronto
SECTION: Letters
BYLINE: Brian Stewart
SOURCE: National Post
The madness of gun control
Re: Grasping At Guns, Lorne Gunter, Oct. 16.
Mr. Gunter correctly mentions that there is no statistical evidence that
gun bans in England or Australia have any effect. Your readers may also
wish to know that Statistics Canada and the Centers for Disease Control
in the United States have failed to find any evidence that gun control
laws have had any effect there as well.
It’s said the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over
and over and expecting a different result. Perhaps it is time we
committed the insane politicians to the asylum of unemployment before
they commit the crime of squandering our taxes yet again on another
failed experiment.
Brian Stewart,
Orleans, Ont.
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