March 1st, 2012

* Armor piercing bullets have been referred to in the media as “cop killers.” (37)

* In October of 1996, Bill Clinton met with the widow of Police Officer Jerome Harrison Seaberry. Later that day at a political rally, Clinton said:

?I still think we ought to ban those bullets that are built only for one purpose, to pierce the bullet-proof vests that our police officers wear. I don’t see why we need those things out there. ? Today, I met with the first — the family of the first one of the police officers hired under our Crime Bill, killed in the line of duty. I met here in Louisiana, in Lake Charles I met with that officer’s widow and two beautiful, beautiful young sons. And I thought to myself, you know, if people like these folks here are going to put their lives on the line for us, the least we can do is tell them if they put on a bullet-proof vest, it will protect them from being killed. That’s the least we can do for them.? (66) (67)

* Officer Seaberry was killed in a car crash. No guns or bullets were involved. (68)

* As of 1998, no law enforcement officer has ever been killed because an armor-piercing bullet defeated a bulletproof vest. (3)

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !