I was born in Ontario, Canada and I have lived here my whole life.
However, I’ve never been able to hang a Canadian flag without thinking of those whom never received their justice.
I’ve never been able to hang a Canadian flag with pride.
Pride in my countries countinous neglet to reform our laws to match the crime with sufficient jail time?
I have ALWAYS respectd the United States Of America for their willingness to hand down lengthy prison terms, and deal huge blows to repeat offenders.
I’ve read all too often over the years of convicted cold blooded killers or baby rapists receiving only 2 or 3 years in prison in Canada.
That is shamefull.
What would posses me to hang a Canadian flag in respect to a Country that I, and most I know refer too as shamefull?
Having noted that…. in my province, the concentual age for sex is 14.
My 29 year old neighbour brought grade 9 girls home all the time, then bragged about how he loves this stupid country that lets him sleep with kids.
Fraustration. I constantly feel helpless.