Another liberal holier than thou HYPOCRITE!!!!
ANTI-GUN MAYOR CONVICTED ON GUN CHARGES . . . Frank Melton, mayor of Jackson, Miss., and member of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” coalition, was convicted last week on two misdemeanor charges for carrying a weapon into a church and a park. In a third charge, reduced from what had previously been a felony count, the mayor pleaded no contest to carrying a gun on a university campus. Melton excused his criminal acts by stating, “I’m not another citizen. I am the mayor of Jackson.” NSSF senior vice president and general counsel Lawrence G. Keane called upon Bloomberg to kick Melton out of his coalition. “Sadly, he’s just another politician who believes he’s above the law. If he had a shred of dignity he would resign.” Melton will be allowed to stay in office.
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !