EDITOR (Now if only we could convince our politicians)
EDITOR (Now if only we could convince our politicians)
Date: Nov 29, 2006 10:07 AM
PUBLICATION: The Toronto Sun
DATE: 2006.11.29
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
PAGE: 22
COLUMN: Letters to the Editor
Re “Page Six” (Nov. 28): Kudos to Mark Bonokoski for writing this
outstanding column, and thanks to the Toronto Sun for publishing it. I
know Bono is generally sympathetic to the plight of the law abiding gun
owners of Canada, but this column goes far above and beyond that.
Calling into question the Anti-Gun Lobby’s irrational fear of guns and
those who own and use them responsibly, and their attempts to make the
NRA out to be the Evil Shibboleth of all that is wrong in society, is
certainly the first step in the right direction. Law abiding gun owners
are not, and never have been, the “problem.” Criminals and the
hug-a-thug policies of the Liberals are.
Bruce N. Mills
EDITOR (Now if only we could convince our politicians)
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !