Granny get your gun! 90-year-old bags her buck

March 1st, 2012

Granny get your gun! 90-year-old bags her buck
Date: Dec 9, 2006 12:03 PM
PUBLICATION: The Edmonton Sun
DATE: 2006.12.09
PAGE: 28
ILLUSTRATION: photo by Bev Ware, CP Ruby Bower, 90, shows off the
antlers of the buck she shot last month. It was the fifth deer she has
bagged in the past 10 years.


Granny get your gun! 90-year-old bags her buck


Ruby Bower stared down the barrel of the rifle in her hand and lined the
deer up in the crosshairs of the scope.

Then the great-great-grandmother pulled the trigger. The 56-kilogram
buck instantly dropped to the ground.

The bullet hit him in the neck, slit through his heart and came out the
other side.

“It wasn’t a good shot, but it was fatal and it didn’t waste any meat,”
the 90-year-old said.

This was the fifth deer the resident of Lower Ohio has bagged in the
past decade.

Bower learned to shoot from her father when she was just a little girl.
“When I was younger I always hunted rabbits. I’d set a snare then shoot
it with my little .22. I was a pretty good crack shot with that,” she

Later on, she used that skill to feed her family after her husband of 14
years deserted the young mother of four.

Sixteen years ago, when Bower was just 74, her son-in-law, Glenwood
MacKay, built her a blind on his nearby property and that’s where she
goes every season.

In early November, after seven days of sitting in that blind wrapped in
old blankets and seeing nothing at all, her luck changed.

Now Bower is going to mount the antlers on a wooden plaque shaped like a
shield. It’ll hang on the wall with other trophies and right beside the
other set of antlers from an eight-point buck she shot eleven years ago.

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