Letter: Canadians being misled about gun ownership, dangers

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Canadians being misled about gun ownership, dangers
Date: Dec 13, 2006 1:44 PM
PUBLICATION: The Daily Gleaner (Fredericton)
DATE: 2006.12.13
BYLINE: Letters


Canadians being misled about gun ownership, dangers


As a professional and a firearms owner in Canada, I take great exception
to the methods employed by the Liberal Party of Canada in misleading the
Canadian population regarding firearms.

When Allan Rock started the process with bill C68 in the late 1990s, he
stated that registration of long arms would assist with misuse of
firearms in Canada and was not the beginning of a confiscation process.
We in the firearms community did not believe him but as legal owners of
firearms we complied with the law.

The long gun registry has been shown to be a money pit that has done
nothing to lower crime in Canada. Restricted firearms have always been
registered and as such the long gun registry had no effect on restricted

During the last election Paul Martin stated in Toronto that the Liberal
Party would ban guns in Canada. This statement was meant to drive
emotions based on the gang-related shooting in Toronto. Banning firearms
does nothing to the criminal element. In fact with fewer legal firearms
in circulation with law- abiding citizens firearms crime will increase
as there is no deterrent in place. This has been shown in England that
does not allow personal ownership of firearms and gun crime has
increased 30 per cent since firearms were outlawed.

Now the Liberal Party at their convention misled the population once
again in their structuring of a resolution (42) stating that:

WHEREAS automatic and semi-automatic weapons are illegal for hunting
purposes and WHEREAS automatic and semi-automatic weapons do not support
the hunting culture found in all parts of Canada.

A couple of points of clarification:
1. Automatic firearms are not available in Canada
2. Semi-automatic firearms are legal for hunting in Canada (this
includes shotguns, centre fire rifles and 22s)

Since the Liberals could be in power again soon, perhaps, next year, it
is time the legal firearms owners (two million of them) stand up for
their rights and do not allow the Liberal Party to confiscate their
property. The Canadian Shooting Sports Association located in Ottawa is
our voice. Go to their website www:cdnshootingsports.org and support
them and yourself.

Tim Kairns

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !