There is only so much that can be done!

March 1st, 2012

There is only so much that can be done!

By Mac Saylor
CalNRA Contributing Editor


When they wanted to ban “Saturday Night Specials” you thought it was those
cheapies you snubbed your nose at. When they wanted to ban “Assault Rifles” you thought it was just those black military things. Even now, after all that we have been trying to tell you to clarify the issue for you, the following are the next steps being taken to strip you of any Second Amendment rights you have left:

Dan Rather (25 Jan 2000) did some sort of expose’ on the “frightening” power of the 50 cal. Words such as “weapon of war” (you remember Dianne F. talking about AWs as being these), “too much power for the public” are all sound-bites used in the show.

Additionally, on our web site we post indicating a “national crime wave” sweeping our country with antique firearms (15 homicides this past year). Guess what!? They now want all the rules applying to regular firearms to apply to antiques (this includes replicas!)

Technology has put Teflon on skillets, but the Feds made it illegal to use as a lubricant on bullets!

Technology put Kevlar in automotive tires but don’t try to wear Kevlar clothes – it may be a crime – particularly if one is packing heat.

Technology A LONG time ago gave us sound suppressors (silencer) so kids could
shoot their . 22s next door in the field or vacant lot without bothering the neighborhood.

Now – Children may not shoot unsupervised. A whole slew of city, county, state, and federal agencies will swarm on you like a pack of Killer Bees
Now – Shooting in the city limits is a misdemeanor at the very least
Now – Silencers are federally controlled – even though any moron can make one. Don’t talk about how to make one – that alone is a federal crime.
See how much progress has been made in a short 30+ years. How we are all safer now after some 20,000 new gun laws?
Folks, if you sit back and wait to see the NRA, SAF or some other group move to support your rights, you, my friend, are “missing the boat!” Your rights depend on you! If you won’t defend them then who will? Organizations such as the NRA, CRPA, GOA, GOC, are good at lobbying congress and telling all these state and federal legislatures what they think you think. Only you can really put into words what you think.

Companies are just that, companies. Only people can vote. Oh yes – XYZ Inc. can throw 50 mil at a candidate or cause, but remember that even with 50 mil, if the voters are informed on the issue, all that money cannot buy one vote. The one it should be able to buy is yours. Mine too.

Start writing those hired hands and let them know how you feel.

Sorry for the long delay since my last post.