Letter: On target

March 1st, 2012

Letter: On target
Date: Dec 23, 2006 9:08 AM
PUBLICATION: Calgary Herald
DATE: 2006.12.23
SECTION: Q: Queries – Quibbles – Quirks
BYLINE: Chris Bermingham
SOURCE: Calgary Herald


On target


Guns – Re: “Shooting from the hip,” Other Voices, Dec. 21.

I would like to thank Sharon Gregson, the B.C. school trustee, for
bringing into the public eye what few people had known before — that
left-thinking people can be in favour of armed self-defence.

In the mid-’90s, when the Liberals were drafting the Firearms Act which
brought in the long gun registry, they included provisions for granting
authorizations to carry handguns for those who need them for protection
from dangerous people and animals.

Permits for such purposes have been issued for more than 100 years,
since the carrying of weapons was first regulated. If an MP decided to
table legislation to change the policy of issuing authorizations to
mainly judges and Crown prosecutors, I hope the Liberal party would
support the effort to improve the fairness of the legislation they

Chris Bermingham, Calgary

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !