Letter: Gun-packing citizens deter criminals

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Gun-packing citizens deter criminals
Date: Jan 6, 2007 10:47 AM
PUBLICATION: Times Colonist (Victoria)
DATE: 2007.01.06
SECTION: Comment
BYLINE: Ryan Worrall
SOURCE: Times Colonist


Gun-packing citizens deter criminals


Re: “Guns make society more dangerous,” Jan. 4.

Guns make society safer, at least according to the U.S. Federal Bureau
of Investigation.

The FBI reported that from 1991 to 2005 the number of firearms in the
hands of private American citizens increased by 70 million and at the
same time violent crime dropped by 38 per cent.

The states that allow citizens to carry firearms for self-defence have a
violent crime rate on average 22 per cent lower than the national

Florida, which enacted its right-to-carry law in 1986, has seen a drop
in its murder rate of 58 per cent since that time.

Armed, honest citizens reduce crime rates because criminals have to
think twice before striking because they don’t know who is capable of
defending themselves.

Ryan Worrall, Duncan.